If she starts adjusting her clothes, running her hands through her hair, or touching her face, she’s likely feeling something. She might even blush when talking to you.
Another obvious sign that she likes you is if she watches your reaction when she tells a joke in front of her friends. She wants to see if you find it funny.
1. She asks you about yourself
When she asks you about yourself, it indicates that she is interested in getting to know you better. She wants to know what makes you tick so she can see if she is the right fit for you.
She also wants to make sure that she has a chance to see you again in the future. She might even suggest specific dates or times.

2. She asks for your opinion
If a girl asks for your opinion, this is a good sign that she likes you. She wants to know what you think about her friends, family, or other things that are important to her.
3. She compliments you
If she compliments you on a regular basis and only around you, it’s a good sign. It’s an easy way to show her that you like her and give her a confidence boost.
She might blush when she compliments you or she may look at you and smile. This shows that she really likes you. She will want to impress you and make you feel special.
4. She asks for your advice
Asking for your advice is a classic technique to stroke your ego while also spending time with you. It’s a sign that she wants to get closer to you.
She might also send her friends on recon missions to gather information about you. She’s trying to find out more about your hobbies, interests and daily life. This is another sign she likes you.
5. She asks for your opinion about her life
A girl who likes you will try to show you her world. She may do this in a conversation or through texting.
She might ask for your opinion about where she lives or the type of places that bring her peace and quiet. These topics can open up insightful discussions and create a deeper connection. Asking about her dreams also stirs up good conversations.
6. She asks for your advice about her love life
If she’s interested in you, she’ll want to know everything about you. This includes how you spend your free time and what sorts of movies or books you like.
This can be a sign that she’s looking for your advice about her love life. She may be hoping to get your opinion about whether she should continue seeing you or not.
7. She asks for your opinion about her career
Asking a girl for her opinion on something is a great way to build a connection. When she asks for your advice, it shows that she’s genuinely interested in you and wants to know more about you as a person.
She may even ask this question in a flirtatious or serious manner. The way you respond will depend on the situation and your relationship with her.
8. She asks for your opinion about her friends
If she talks about her friends and focuses on them, it means she has a special place for them in her heart. This could also be a sign that she likes you in a platonic, non-romantic way.
Pay attention to her body language when she’s with her friends. She may lean in closer or point her feet towards you. She may even smile at them when they talk about you.
9. She asks for your opinion about her family
Asking personal questions is a good way to build comfort. If she’s asking you about your hobbies and how you spend your free time, this shows that she wants to get to know you better.
She’s also probably imagining herself with you and your family someday. This is a sign that she likes you.
10. She asks for your opinion about her future
If she asks you for your opinion about her future, it’s a big sign that she likes you. She wants to know if you’re interested in the same things she is and if you want to spend your life together.
She may also ask questions about your future plans or what you think of her career goals. All of these are signs that she likes you.